Portrait Painter Magazine

Always FREE during the month of publication. And there’s no need to subscribe. Just download! Save! And deepen your understanding and skill-set of portrait painting with every issue of high value content. Just click on the cover image.

The Summer 2024 issue of PORTRAIT PAINTER presents the abstract structural surface, the patina, of oil painting. In the layer cake of structure that is painting the abstract structural surface is where your voice and autographic mark making comes into play. It is your brushwork and interpositionings of cool/warm hues, thick and thin paint. It is the diction of your narrative.

In the Summer issue I revisit Velazquez and proffer a polemic on what might make some paintings soar above all the others. It is an idea of employing fractals in the construction of the abstract structural surface. Most likely it was a felt process on Velazquez' part.

The September issue of PORTRAIT PAINTER will be released on August 27, 2024. Back-issues are $27. You’ll never want to miss getting it free!

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Rembrandt Self Portrait at age of 63

Painting Dynamic Flesh Tones: A four session Zoom course

My next Zoom class features Rembrandt's Self Portrait at Age of 63, 1669

Begins Tuesday, August 6 to 27, 18:30 - 21:00 PST

This four session workshop focuses on rendering cool/warm interpositions of flesh tones and the abstract structural surface. i.e., brushwork and patina. Rembrandt was a constant innovator throughout his career. In the workshop you will learn how to construct a stable paint surface mixing calcium carbonate (available at most art stores) and adding egg yolk to your medium to create a rich depthness to your painting.

The workshop includes both the Zoom recording (sent out within an hour or two after class) and a few days later the ultra-HD (2K) video download which is your's to keep.

Fee: $320. Limited to six participants.

Write: michael-britton-workshops@artacademy.com for the full syllabus, supply list and to register.