Portrait Painter Magazine

The December 2023 issues features Louis Betts: The Ebauche ... over an hour of video lessons on how to begin a painting;

The Understructure of Painting ... an introduction to dynamic composition and how to make your portrait paintings even more engaging.

Creative Process: Painting Emma ... how I develop a painting, step-by-step, from beginning to end, inclusive of my failures and triumphs.

Portrait Painter Magazine - December 2023

The January 2024 issue features The Teaching Process of John Singer Sargent ;

The Understructure of Painting ... using the critical composition tools: the Rabement and Reciprocals

Painting Carmella ... copying Sargent's 'Carmela Bertegna' step-by-step

and continuing with the Pentimento: First Pass of Painting Louis Betts

Portrait Painter Magazine - January 2024

The February 2024 issue features the father of realism Gustave Courbet ;

The Understructure of Painting ... examines Courbet's employment of the Root Phi dynamic rectangle in 'Woman in the Waves';

Creative Process ... features Ancien Printemps: A trony's struggle

Portrait Painter Magazine - February 2024

The March 2024 issue features the Spanish master of illusionism Diego Velazquez;

The Understructure of Painting Finding the Edge;

Creative Process James. Painting African-American flesh tones.

Portrait Painter Magazine - March 2024

The April 2024 issue of PORTRAIT PAINTER features the realist painter Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796 - 1875) whose plein air landscapes paved the way for Impressionism. And whose figurative works informed 20th Century figure painting.

Also in the April issue is my process of painting Julia's Requiem where I discuss the development of 'voice' in your painting vis-a-vis the abstract structural surface.

Portrait Painter Magazine - March 2024